A/B Testing – Achieving Higher Conversion Rates with Courage and Eagerness to Experiment [New White Paper]

A/B Testing White Paper
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Why is there a lot of traffic, but only a few conversions? Should the »Buy« button be white or turquoise? Should the download form be placed at the bottom or top of the page? Most marketers and graphic designers are probably familiar with these questions. It is always about optimising conversion rates. So why not carry out tests right away instead of overthinking for a long time?

One method to reliably evaluate what really offers users the best experience is A/B testing. In our new »A/B Testing – Methods and Tools for Performance and Usability Optimisation« white paper, we show you how it works, why it is an efficient and effective approach and which tools other companies use.

A/B Testing – Making Usability Measurable

Whether it is online or offline, in B2B or B2C: the customer/user is king. This is old hat, but the only right approach – for all customer journey touchpoints, from first contact to checkout and beyond. As we all know, service does not end with a transaction – be it a purchase, a registration or a download.

A/B testing allows you to acquire measurable knowledge about what makes customers happy. But how exactly?

Let us take another look at the initial example: Two versions of a landing page are tested against each other during live operation – without customers even noticing it. Version A has the download form at the top of the page, version B at the bottom. Customers are equally distributed between the two versions and the interactions are evaluated using statistical methods. Statistically significant results then show which version generated more conversions.

A/B Testing – Finding Out at an Early Stage What Works in the Long Term

If you want to test more than one new version or alternative URLs, you can use other testing models such as multivariate tests, split URL tests or funnel testing. In the »A/B Testing« white paper, we show you the most popular models, what they are suitable for and how you can get optimal test results step by step. When carrying out tests, you should first think about what goal you are actually pursuing and how the most successful version will be determined. Metrics that help measure data quality or understand evaluation criteria can support you in this.

The needs of customers grow with competition. That is why it is important to be a first mover – diligent testing is the best way to not only follow trends, but to set them yourself.

Download the »A/B Testing« White Paper for Free Now!

Find out in our new »A/B Testing – Methods and Tools for Performance and Usability Optimisation« white paper

  • why it pays off to show courage and carry out tests
  • why it often does not take a relaunch to boost conversion rates
  • how Booking.com and Geschenkidee.ch take advantage of this approach

In addition, the white paper features

A/B Testing White Paper

  • a detailed comparison of the most popular A/B testing providers Google Optimize, Convert, VWO, AB Tasty and Optimizely
  • an evaluation of which tool is the right one for which company
  • a barometer of current trends with regard to the most popular tools

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