Total Experience as a Driver of Efficiency and Customer Loyalty [5 Reading Tips]

Total Experience Reading Tips
Source: Unsplash/Blake Wisz

With the increase in digital communication, whether within companies or externally with partners and customers, the number of interfaces of technical systems that are supposed to support the communication process is also increasing.

Whether it is shared access to documents and data or direct communication via various collaboration tools – in order to work together successfully as a team and to provide good customer service, the needs of all those involved in the process must be taken into account. This means that customer experience, multiexperience and employee experience merge into total experience (TX).

Total Experience: Linking Customer and Employee Experience

The concept of customer and employee experience already involved optimising the interaction between different channels, technologies and processes, but the TX strategy goes one step further.

It combines your target group’s requirements for the entire purchasing process with your employees’ requirements for daily work processes, creating an integrated solution that can lead to more positive experiences for everyone involved.

An example of a total experience is an app that patients of a doctor’s surgery can use to arrange an appointment. As soon as the patients are near the surgery at the agreed time, they are automatically guided through a check-in process that is individually tailored to their medical concerns.

This lightens the workload of the surgery staff, reduces waiting times for patients and thus increases everyone’s satisfaction. If patients need support in completing this process, the surgery staff can easily assist them by means of co-browsing.

Total Experience Requires Preparatory Work

Just like any new strategy, the creation of a total experience initially involves a lot of effort for a company. Before your company can deliver a total experience, you need a well-functioning system landscape.

If you use outdated technologies that do not allow for connecting customer and employee touchpoints, you should replace them with flexible solutions. Only then does it make sense to analyse the performance of the touchpoints between your target group and your employees and look for solutions for optimising it.

Total Experience Increases Satisfaction and Efficiency

Efficient and well-synchronised tools and processes avoid duplication of work, reduce the workload of employees and make touchpoints visible. This increases productivity and thus the efficiency of your team, creating new opportunities to identify potential for improvement at an early stage.

This way, high-quality end-to-end customer communication can be maintained. In other words: TX not only improves the well-being of your team, but also strengthens the loyalty of your customers – and satisfied customers are known to make more purchases.

Our 5 Reading Tips of the Week

Forget Customer Experience. Forget Employee Experience. Enter Total Experience. [CMSWire]

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Total Experience. Much More Than a Trend for the Future. [STAR7]

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