The Reign of »Featured Snippets« [5 Reading Tips]

suche, augen, frau, google

User behaviour is constantly changing. The use of the smartphones is increasing in compared to desktop and virtual assistants are spreading. This development, in turn, obviously affects search behaviour. Google has recognised this tendency and continues to adapt to this (search) reality. Featured Snippets are a consequence of this.

Today, we’ll explain why companies shouldn’t underestimate this search result format and what they should pay particular attention to.

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E-Food — The last mile is the biggest challenge [5 Reading Tips]

lebensmittel, ernährung, online
Source: pexels

Online shopping has long been a fixture in German retail. But there are certain sectors that are slower to keep up.  According to a recent survey by Digital Association of Germany Bitkom, online grocery, despite its growth, hardly reaches any new customers. How’s that possible?

The e-food market is also facing a major challenge: the supply of luxury foods. To master this, supermarkets, discounters and retailers are striving for a sustainable business model.

Today, we’ll explain what the current state of this unique industry is and what trends are emerging for efficient and enticing logistics.

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New white paper: »Content Commerce. Strengthen Your Brand with a Valuable CMS and Shop System Content.«

Source: dotSource

Anyone who wants to stand out as a retailer or brand from what the rest of the competition has to offer more than just a large selection of products for customers. Meaningful information and interesting content around the product offer customers real added value. So the trend’s content commerce. Which sounds like exactly what it is, a seamless way to use useful content to sell products in an up-close shopping experience. That’s the theory. But what does that really mean? How can brands use content commerce for themselves? And what kinds of products and tech do you need to see it all through? These questions will be answered in our new white paper »Content Commerce. Strengthen Your Brand With a Valuable CMS and Shop System Content« using real examples.

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What do technology and hardware do for a better customer experience in 2019? [5 Reading Tips]

technik, daten, datenschutz, ki
Source: pixabay

It’s incredibly exciting how rapidly technology is evolving to deliver better and simpler customer experiences. In this regard, the latest ideas were presented at the »Consumer Electronics Show«, commonly known as CES in Las Vegas.

Instead of mere prototypes,  innovations presented there this year offer concrete, usable applications in many areas and pave the way to a future in which machines get to know our personal preferences in order to better adapt each experience to our needs. But of course not at any price.

(8 vote(s), average: 4.38 out of 5)

Minimise returns? Sure, but how? [5 Reading Tips]

retouren, paket, paketboten, konsumenten
Photo by maique madeira on Unsplash

The lucrative holiday season is already over. But many online retailers still have a hangover from it, not just due to the stress of the shopping craziness, but also because weaknesses are becoming visible. But an increase in returns rates is far from a problem that online retailers face only once a year.
It’s a well-known problem that can severely threaten the profitability of a business. How do companies deal with returns and why do customers increasingly return goods?

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Gartner: The most important strategic tech trends for 2019

tech, trends, gartner, 2019
Source: Gartner

A new year is a chance to conquer new horizons, tackle new business ideas and implement them, and advance innovations. To fulfill these intentions, it’s imperative to know the latest advances and master the technologies behind them.

For this reason, we ‘ve already published a series of articles on Handelskraft. Here we give you a complete overview of the most important trends for 2019: AI, marketing, commerce, SEO and social media, and digital platforms.

Technology determines all areas of a digital economy and society, including trends. That’s why we’re highlighting Gartner’s strategic tech trends for 2019. The companies that succeed in bringing these into their business processes will be at the top and stand out from the competition.

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Quantum Computing: What’s it all about? [5 Lesetipps]

quantencomputer, tech, trend
Source: Daimler Global Media Site

Our digital world is also a world full of data that has to be processed and analysed ever faster and more accurately than ever. Classic computers have long since reached their limits, as they can only do one task after another. But a new kind of computing could change everything: Quantum Computing (QC). It has the potential to fully exploit artificial intelligence.

Quantum computing is the holy grail for global technology giants. But what exactly is a quantum computer and what can it be used for?

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Digital customer service instead of long wait times [5 Reading Tips]

Photo by Rachel Martin on Unsplash

The holiday season is a time of lots of movement. People run into shops to buy their last gifts or the last ingredients for their feast, look for the perfect party outfit, and cram their bags to the last minute, before they go home on an often long journey. Excitement, stress, and loss of time precede the holiday calm and reflections.

Crowded shopping malls and endless queues cause chaos and frustration among consumers. In fact, nine out of ten shoppers avoid a store when queues are too long.

But there are loads of new technologies that can put an end to the nightmare of long queues, and instead provide happier customers with a first-class experience.

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Digital platforms — Integration is everything [Part 5]

Source: Pexels

The success of a digital platform is mostly dependent on how well it plays with other systems. But how can a platform develop solutions independently? In the fourth part of our »Digital Platforms« series, we explained to you what systems SAP C/4HANA consists of. At the end of the series, we’ll show you how individual solutions create a digital platform. Keyword: Integration.

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Digital Platforms – What can SAP C/4HANA do?  [Part 4]

Source: Pexels

Behind every professional swimmer there is a team of experts who contribute to the athlete’s success in the sport. There’s a manager, trainer,  physiotherapist, and training partner.

Digital platforms also consist of different experts alias systems that cover the most diverse disciplines in e-commerce. These include marketing, sales, and services.

In the third part of our Digital Platforms, we explained what is special about the SAP HANA database. This time we’ll introduce you to their individual systems in detail.

Pretty cloudy on the horizon

As shown in the figure below, SAP C/4HANA includes the SAP Marketing Cloud, the SAP Commerce Cloud, the SAP Service Cloud, the SAP Customer Data Cloud, and the SAP Sales Cloud. Thanks to the acquisition of Hybris, Gigya and CallidusCloud solutions are also part of the platform.

Quelle: dotSource GmbH Source: dotSource GmbH

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