We want what we see — Social photo channels as a sales channel

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Source: fotolia

Four out of five people in Germany own a smart phone. This means that 80 percent of the population have a camera with them at all times. As a result, users no longer have to remember what inspires them, but can simply take pictures of them. This not only applies to fashion and food, but also to interior design.

Social photo channels as a sales channel

Although Instagram can now boast four times more users than Pinterest, Pinterest offers a larger pool of high-quality images. New features and clever algorithms make Pinterest the first choice for visual search. So Pinterest recognises what the camera shows live or the taken photo and proposes corresponding results. This way, styles and recipes can be discovered on a visual basis.

In the fashion industry, like-toknow.it attacks and allows users to directly buy the styles of their favourite influencers. Especially for fashion retailers with a strong community and large influencer budgets, this offers a direct conversion channel.

For the smaller budget, the app offers to similar looks for less. But the competition does not sleep. Google also offers style ideas in its app and doesn’t just suggest design ideas for fashion.

However, users don’t just provide high-quality product images. The app yeay buries the product photo and replaces it with product and style videos, responding to a preference from Millenials that they’d rather watch a video. Buy button included.

Home & Living retailer Wayfair launched its visual search in 2016, allowing users to purchase similar furniture and fixtures.

Speaking of forward-thinking trends

Handelskraft 2018 Trend Book - Moving Towards Digital ExcellenceIf you would like to know more about trends and developments in digital transformation, you will find answers in the current Handelskraft Trend Book »Moving Towards Digital Excellence«.

From covering digital customer experiences to how employers need to market themselves as an appealing place to work, we cover it all. Also in the trend book: Digital Business Facts & Figures – Including but not limited to: Internet usage, consumer behaviour, marketplaces, payment methods, technologies

This guide with all the important facts and figures are available here for free to download.

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