#ShopTechTalks: Shopware, Spryker and more, with Jochen

Things could not be more exciting in the area of shop systems right now. Shopware is touring Germany with Shopware 5 and so indirectly raises the question, what’s happening with Magento at the moment?, even more urgently. Hybris now does marketing as well, and on top of these (still) rather traditionally structured shop systems, there are new approaches around the corner, like Sphere and Spryker.

It is no coincidence that Jochen Krisch and Marcel Weiß recently did a podcast on shop systems, in which they exchange ideas (“Exchanges #90: Shopsysteme gestern, heute und morgen”) on the technical side of e-commerce. (German language version only)

Easter 2015 was completely dedicated to discussion on shop systems. Those who want to keep up in this area should put on their listening caps (and can look forward to the new updated English version of our shop system whitepaper ).

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